Over the last year this daily fight that is COVID-19 has placed huge amounts of stress on our frontline clinical care teams. It is clear that hospitals are desperately trying to provide places of sanctuary, with calming environments and art, to improve wellbeing and thereby relieve the pressures on staff in these difficult times.

We are still working in lockdown!

Now the whole country is in a second Lockdown, but as we already work from our dedicated home-based studios this hasn’t changed how …

We've been featured in an article on BBH's Website!

Very pleased to have been featured on Building Better Healthcare’s website! The article features our latest three organ donation artworks for …

Inspiration and production for ‘Sails and Seabirds’

The Solent estuary in Southampton is a nature conservation habitat where many species of seabirds congregate. The sheltered natural harbours are also …

Garden of Remembrance – Design, Production and Installation

Salisbury District Hospital were creating a garden of remembrance and contacted us to design a freestanding sculpture, to fit within the planting, and act as a permanent …